Baru saja saya buka email ternyata ada subject yang cukup mengagetkan saya: Your LibertyReserve account has been suspended!, karena penasaran saya buka ajah tuh email, ternyata isinya pemberitahuan sebagai berikut:
Hello, Due to our latest IP Security upgrades we have reason to believe that your account was accessed by a third party. Because protecting the security of your account is our primary concern, we have limited access to sensitive Liberty Reserve account features. We understand that this may be an inconvenience but please understand that this temporary limitation is for your protection. How can I restore my account access? Click the link below and send payment for confirmation your Liberty Reserve account information, otherwise your Liberty Reserve access will remain restricted:
Liberty Security Payment
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure meant to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. 2002-2009 Liberty Reserve S.A. All rights reserved.Setelah saya lihat kok email pengirim bukan dari liberty reserve, wah pasti ini modus penipuan. Dan ternyata benar setelah saya klik link yang ada di tulisan Liberty Security Payment urlnya diarahkan untuk mentransfer sebesar $1.00 ke alamat email:, siapakah dia? entahlah, yang pasti dengan adanya email ini paling tidak saya mendapat pelajaran untuk lebih waspada terhadap email2 pemberitahuan yang berhubungan "rekening online".
Rabu, 03 Februari 2010
Email Spam Atas Nama Liberty Reserve
(For full text with comments please click on the title)